Saturday, November 6, 2021
Format: Apple Cup Golf will be an individual net game. The format will be a modified points system. The points go as follows:
Net Eagle Touchdown 6 points
Net Birdie Field Goal 3 points
Net Par Safety 2 points
Net Bogey Extra point 1 point
The top 16 scores counted for each team
Tees: Player’s may select tees they are going to play
Handicaps: Players will receive 100% of their handicap from the tees they choose
Rules: Winter - Players may mark, lift, clean, and place their ball within one club length of the original lie no closer to the hole. A ball in a penalty area or sand bunker must be played as it lies.
Cost: $15 per player (charge will be added to member account)
Sign Up: Click Here
*All Plateau Club members and their guests are welcome to participate in Pro Shop events