Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a member to play in PMGA events?
Yes. All PMGA events are PMGA members only. However, Pro Shop events are open to all Plateau Club Members and their guests.
Do I need a handicap to play in PMGA events?
Yes. Generally, you are required to maintain an active handicap throughout the season. Please contact us if you are new to golf and do not have an established handicap yet. For frequently asked questions regarding handicaps, please visit the Handicap FAQ page.
Does the PMGA have Bylaws?
Yes. Click Here to download our bylaws.
How much are annual dues?
PMGA dues are set at $200 for 2023.
How do I sign up for tournaments?
Visit our Tournaments page to signup for the various PMGA tournaments. You can also call the Pro Shop directly to sign up.
Do I need to be good at golf to join the PMGA?
Absolutely not. Most of our members are terrible golfers, that is why we use the USGA GHIN handicap system so we all start from an even playing field.
How to I ask a question not listed?
Contact us! We are very responsive and open to all questions.